Almond Black Bread

Product ID
20 Credits
.max (Max2011, VRay 3)
80k faces
Ca. 27cm long
71 MB
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3D Model of a black bread/rye bread. The bread is 27cm long and has 80k faces with a 4k texture and a 4k normal map to add extra details. The cutting board is also included in the scene and is supplied free of charge.

The model is provided in the following formats:
  • 3ds Max 2011/VRay 3.0 gamma 2.2 scene with the studio seen above included.
  • 3ds Max 2011/VRay 3.0 gamma 2.2 scene without the studio, for easy merging of the model only.
  • Obj file without materials, but UV mapped and textures included.

The model is generated from a high-resolution scan, which means it has all the details the real object has. Due to this the facecount is quite high. Usually scanned meshes have quite a few errors but this model has been fixed meticulously in order to eliminate errors. UV's have no overlapping and stretching has been kept to a minimum. The textures were derived from the same scan, guaranteeing accuracy and the same high detail as in the mesh.